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  • #725881


    ich habe eben versucht über die funktion.php einen Google Font (Playfair Display) dazu zu fügen. Nach Anleitung unter diesem Link: . Leider hat es nicht so geklappt und die Seite läßt sich nicht mehr aufrufen. Ich erhalte diese Fehlermeldung:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare avia_add_heading_font() (previously declared in /www/htdocs/w01449b6/ in /www/htdocs/w01449b6/ on line 549

    Könnt Ihr mir da ganz schnell helfen? Es ist die Seite einer Kundin von mir….DANKE :)

    Lieber Gruß



    Please post FTP logins here privately here if you would like to fix it for you.
    If you would like to do it yourself, please go to – www/htdocs/w01449b6/ and remove the code from the file. It seems like you have already added the code to your functions.php file



    Hi Yigit,
    thank for the quick reply! Sorry, but I didn’t have the FTP Login…..I´ll try to find out….
    And yes, I´ve added the original function.php from enfold, but nothing happened and I still have the same error….

    Can you try to do it for me in the WP Admin Area? That would be great! I´ve postet the Login data above.

    best regards


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Hautzeit.

    Hi Steffi,

    Unfortunately it is not possible to correct this issue from WordPress backend, that is why we need FTP logins. Issue should be fixed via FTP :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    the Site is running. But I´m still unsure where I can add the Font” Playfair Display” without mess up the Site again…could you help me here?

    Best regards




    I added following code to Functions.php file in Appearance > Editor

    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_new_add_heading_font');
    function avia_new_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Playfair Display'] = 'Playfair Display:400,700,900';
    return $fonts;
    add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font', 'avia_new_add_content_font');
    function avia_new_add_content_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Playfair Display'] = 'Playfair Display:400,700,900';
    return $fonts;

    Please review your website now

    Best regards,


    Thank you Yigit it works great!





    You are welcome! :)

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –
    And if there are features that you wish Enfold had, you can request them and vote the requested ones here –
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to post them here on the forum and we will gladly try to help you :)


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