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  • #518836

    i read it a few minutes ago that we can use this plugin to make some translations to the lang files.

    Allthough i did not use the “German(Sie)” Option in my WordPress Settings – it seems that WordPress only uses this translation files!
    I started to translate some entries in the german po/mo via Loco Translate but only the files in the informal folder ( German Du) are changed.
    That is correct because my wordpress settings said that i want to use the german “Du” (you informal)

    But no changes are seen in the backend – i shifted both lang files from informal folder to the lang folder one layer above and here we are – every translation i made was there ?

    Is it a bug of that little plugin ?
    Or does Enfold take allways the “Sie” Option allthough wordpress and loco translation take the “Du” Option ?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Guenni007.

    Hi Guenter!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    I think this is how the plugin handles the translation. The plugin creates the “informal” folder as a safety precaution to avoid overwriting the original language files. This is not specifically a german translation issue, if you translate different language, the plugin will create a new language file for that language in the informal folder.

    Best regards,


    no – i think this is the thing in German Language which is unique to all other languages especially english.
    We make a difference in a polite Form of adressing people. The “Sie” is a polite form for you and the “Du” for you is a more informal salutation of people (in most cases for well known people or friends)
    if you look into the untouched zip File of Enfold download – the lang folder allready contains this informal folder and only german lang files in it.

    this is the reason why on german wordpress we can choose between these two adressing types.

    my suggestion was that the little plugin does the right thing to take the informal version if this is set by wordpress options dialog.
    But enfold allways takes the formal version allthough the wordpress setting is set to informal “Du” Version.

    formal / informal

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Guenni007.


    Thanks for sharing. I’m not really familiar with the language so I’ll take your word for it. There are not many inquiries regarding this translation plugin but if I remember correctly, every time I translate a string in any language, the plugin will create a new language file inside the informal folder. I have to use that file to override the original language files inside the lang folder. Or maybe I translated the “Dutch” language that time so it created the “informal” folder. Anyway, did you open a ticket in the plugin support forum? I’m sure they can clarify all of this.

    Best regards,


    but after working on that f.e. dutch files the plugin moves the two files out of this informal folder to parent directory?
    i have to make this manual for german language.

    thanks anyway – i will make it the old school via poedit – extern and upload it.
    Can be closed now

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Guenni007.


    let us know if you have some more questions related to the theme. We will try our best to support you.


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