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  • #1255779

    The general styling for text links it is not working properly.

    The style for text links for both Main Content and Alternate content area it is set to be highlighted and underlined. However, when i check the site they are only highlighted and not underlined which makes very difficult the click to the linked page/web.

    How can i solve this?

    ¡Thank you!


    Hey Rubén,

    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply. Also please point out the links which your settings are not applying to.

    Best regards,



    You have the access in private content.

    Thank you,



    Thank for that. I can’t access the login page though, I get a 502 error. It’s the same problem as I described in your other thread.

    Best regards,


    Ok…try link i add you on private content



    Thanks for that, but I still get an error message when trying to access that URL, please see private. I’m guessing your hosting provider is blocking some IP ranges, could you find out which countries are block, or are allowed please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard!

    What country are you trying to connect from?




    Please see private.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard!!..

    Acces granted for countries you mentioned.

    Please, try again

    Thank you and regards


    Hi RubenHD,

    Thanks for giving us access, unfortunately, the access is pretty limited and we can’t check the Theme Options were General Styling appears.
    Please upgrade the account to an administrator.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko!!

    Done it!

    Administrator grade granted.

    Please, let me know any other issue you might have.




    Thanks for that. I’ve added this for you in Quick CSS:

    .template-page a {
      text-decoration: underline;

    And your links are now underlined. Please review your site, and let us know if you would like some additional changes.

    Best regards,


    Thank you!

    I will check all the links are ok and let you know if any issue it is found.



    Hi RubenHD,

    We’re glad to hear that :)
    We’ll keep this thread open so you can post back if you found any issues related to this topic.

    Best regards,


    Hi Niko!

    I notice that in post blog is not working as in pages. Could you check it please?



    Hi RubenHD,

    I have checked your Blog page and it seems to work properly.
    Are you referring to single post page? if yes then I think the only difference is that Advanced Layout Builder is enabled on pages while on your single posts the default editor is used.

    Best regards,



    You can close tiket


    Hi RubenHD,

    We’re glad to hear that :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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