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  • #791596

    Hey, guys.
    I love Enfold with my whole beings :)

    It was all good, but now I just got a problem with Stylings. When I change colors, after saving nothing’s changing.
    Please help!

    I tried everything, but still the same.

    Thank you for everything.


    I figured it out :)

    The problem was in hosting cache stuff.

    Just in case for others… Install WP Super Cache and make these changes:

    1. Check box next to “Cache hits to this website…”
    2. Select button next to “Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files”
    3. Check box next to “304 Not Modified browser caching”
    4. Check box next to “Don’t cache pages for known users”
    5. “Cache rebuild” & “Extra homepage checks” should already be checked, if not check them
    Select “Update Status” button.
    Leave all other options to their default configuration.

    Thank you.



    Great, glad you got it working thanks for sharing, much appreciated. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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