Tagged: account page, GDPR, woocommerce
With the update to 4.4 you added the option to add a checkbox to the login form.
Worked well for /wp-login.php.
Within the login form from the Woocomerce Account page ([woocommerce_my_account]) this checkbox is not included but you still get the notofication to check this checkbox.
How can i include the checkbox to this form?
Hey OSTstudio,
Please add this code to your child theme functions.php file:
add_action( 'woocommerce_login_form', 'av_woo_privacy_login_extra' , 10 , 2 );
function av_woo_privacy_login_extra( $form )
$content = do_shortcode( avia_get_option('privacy_message_login') );
if(empty($content)) $content = do_shortcode(avia_get_option('privacy_message'));
$extra_class = 'forgetmenot';
$output = '
<p class="comment-form-av-privatepolicy '.$extra_class.'">
<input id="comment-form-av-privatepolicy" name="comment-form-av-privatepolicy" type="checkbox" value="yes">
<label for="comment-form-av-privatepolicy">'.$content.'</label>
echo $output ;
This bug will be fixed with the next theme update.
Best regards,