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  • #975353

    on some website i use gallery module.
    I set the auto start but it never start, only working on rool over.

    I’m facing this problem during few months on severals website.
    Is there something i miss ?


    Hey jb84,

    Regarding your current setup although it may be possible, we can’t help much with that because that would a require a much deeper customization to the theme files and that’s out of the scope of the support we can offer. Auto-rotate is not normally featured within that gallery.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    It is clearly an ENFOLD bug… not a special setup as you mean to think.
    My setup is classical…

    So i ask differently my question :
    How to make your gallery auto-start working?



    Thanks for the update.

    The gallery element doesn’t have a transition or auto-rotate feature by default. If you want your image to auto rotate, please replace the gallery element with a slider.

    You can implement the auto rotate option in the gallery but it will require modifications that are beyond the scope of support as Jordan explained. Thank you for your understanding.

    Best regards,


    Ok so i didn’t understand… so on the gelery module what mean the last settings; transition effect / lunch animation on page load



    That is a lazyload and/or fade in effect on page load as opposed to appearing static on a page.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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