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  • #586049


    I received some designs and I want to use Enfold to make it into a website. A few questions:

    What feature in Enfold do I need to use to get this result? I need to create a gallery with categories and subcategories and upon clicking it needs to be a lightbox opening like this:

    Hope you can help!



    Hi strila!

    you could try masonry gallery for it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy!

    Thanks! Can I use the masonry gallery so that clicking an image wil show a lightbox (instead of taking me to another page)?




    Yes, that’s possible, one thing to note is that if you’re going to need sorting functionality i’d suggest using a Masonry instead (not Masonry Gallery) and make use of a custom post type for the images.



    Hi Josue,

    OK sure! What’s the difference between Masonry and Masonry Gallery? Is that a different one that’s not mentioned in the menu at And how do I make use of a custom post type for the images?




    They’re both Masonries, the difference is what kind of content they can fetch, Gallery uses images (Media attachments) while the Masonry usees Posts/Pages/Portfolio Items or a Custom Post Type (the featured image is used as the image), for that reason only the Masonry has sorting capabilities (attachments are not categorizable).

    Best regards,


    Hi Josue,

    Thanks for your explanation. If I understand correctly, I should create a custom post type instead of using posts/pages/portfolio items. Is that correct?



    Correct, you can use the following plugin for that:



    Hi Josue,

    Thanks for re-opening! So I’ve created the page at, set up a custom post type using the plugin, and put in some dummy content. How would I now go on to:

    – make this page without the sidebar
    – get the subcategories shown under the main categories upon clicking a category
    – have the image pop up in a lightbox window instead of linking to the page of the custom post type (I see there’s a lightbox on the custom post type page)

    Thank you very much,



    1. Change that in Page Layout at the right.
    2. If you referring to the sorting filters i’m afraid that won’t be possible without modifying the theme extensively.
    3. Open /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/helper-masonry.php and look for line:

    $this->loop[$key]['url']			= get_permalink($id);

    Replace it by this:

    $this->loop[$key]['url']			= wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, apply_filters('avf_avia_builder_masonry_lightbox_img_size','large'));

    Best regards,


    Hi Josue,

    Thanks for that! I’ll implement the 1st and 3rd point. Regarding point 2, how extensively would this modification be? I’m willing to ask and pay for some customisation but then I need to make sure that the developer knows Enfold well enough to do this. I’ve tried to ask on codeable but couldn’t find the right person.


    – First you’d need to modify the markup, this is done in 136-147 of /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/helper-masonry.php, there’s a loop that that goes through all the terms and print them flat, that would need to be re-factored so it prints them in a hierarchical order.

    – Once you have these terms output in a hierarchical way you’d need to hide the children by default (CSS) and then create a custom script (JS) that makes the children of each term appears when clicked (and at the same time maintain its default filter functionalities).

    I’m not sure if it would be worth the effort in the end, do you have any examples of what you’re trying to achieve? as far as i know filters options are normally presented flat.


    Hi strilla, you may want to refer to this as well:

    Josue helped me on this.



    Thanks you for helping strilla @Tameez :)

    Vinay Kashyap


    Thanks for helping guys!

    : why do I want this you ask? The client is an artist and makes statues, drawings, coins, paintings etc. The drawings for examples can be pencil, pen, marker, paint, etc. So we have categories and subcategories.

    Maybe I should try and contact the Types plugin devs to use their Views toolset, you think that would be an option?



    Have you checked this plugin?

    Best regards,


    Hi Josue,

    Thanks so much for helping, I’ve just checked that out and it looks promising. I’ll contact them to see if it fits my needs, thanks!



    Glad to help, hope you manage to sort this out!



    Me too :) Shall I keep this post up-to-date?


    Feel free to do it, i’ll leave the thread open (if you can, edit your last post instead of adding a new message, to avoid creating multiple pages).


    strilla : I see that the plugin Types was recommended. Be aware that although this is in the WordPress site plugin directory, it is actually contravening their terms because it is trial-ware, meaning that you get 30 days free before having to subscribe annually. It doesn’t tell you that in the description.
    The best looking free ones are and

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