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  • #302874


    After selecting the images required for a gallery in the media library, the masonry and standard gallery seem to add all the images in the media library.


    also if I use the wp upload new media from the admin menu instead of through a page i keep getting responses as follows:Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/edgepics/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor.php on line 391

    the number at the end varies.



    Try deactivating all active plugins that are running and then going to the WordPress a Dashboard>Updates>Re-install . That will get WordPress to re-update the core files with no possible plugins causing a conflict.

    You can also try deactivating the theme when doing the update by switching to one of the twenty something themes. Then before re-activating the theme re-installing it as well with a fresh download from your downloads on themeforest over FTP to eliminate the chance of any basic theme file issues since the bug/error you are having definitely isn’t supposed to happen.

    Take a look at this video on updating the Enfold theme via FTP:




    I am having the same issue. When I try to create a gallery for the regular or masonary gallery, all the images show up, not just the ones I chose. Also, when I go back in and look for the gallery, it is nowhere to be found. Thanks for your help.



    Thank you for your response

    I have tried everything you have advised including deactivating the theme while uploading via FTP I have no plugins installed in any case and nothing has changed still having the same problems.

    any ideas what to do next?



    I hope this helps you with the issue. Please refer to this link for a possible fix:

    Regarding the max execution time error, try to add this line on the .htaccess file:

    php_value max_execution_time 60

    Refer to this link for more info:



    So adding this string of code will fix this? I am not getting any error messages regarding timing out, etc. Gallery creation just isn’t working the way it is supposed to.


    I have now asked my server host to increase my execution time to 60 which i think has sorted the problem but as far as the other part goes i don’t know how to do that as I’m not a web designer I’m a photographer and one of the reasons i purchased this product is because i was told i would not have to get involved with code!



    , is your issue solved? could you please specify what are you referring to with ‘the other part’?

    , i believe your case is different, have you tried disabling all third-party plugins?



    Hi basically I can not create any type of image gallery with the images I choose from the media library. After creating the gallery and inserting it into the page All the images from media library appear in said gallery. I have tried numerous times creating galleys, I have no plugins active except the BB press plugin recommend by the theme, which I have also disabled. I have updated wordpress and reinstalled the theme with a new download from theme forest and uploaded it via FTP.

    Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated as the galleries are a massive selling point for my business.

    Many thanks




    I was having the same issue. When I changed my permalinks from the default setting to “post – name” the issue resolved. Tske a look at your permalinks settings.



    No, it was not different. I was having the same issue. After I changed the permalink structure it started to work properly. I also added the string of code to my .htaccess file, but my host informed me that this does not work and you have to make the change to the php..ini file to increase execution time. At any rate, I suspect the problem involved having the permalink structure set at default.



    Thanks Holley,

    Iv tried changing my permalinks but thats made no difference keeps displaying all the media in media library.



    The other thing I did was run the wp.smushit plugin. This reduced the size of all my images. I recall that things started working after this was done.



    : Glad it is working for you now. Thanks for sharing.

    : Please try holley’s suggestions then if possible, please remove all images on the media library that doesn’t have any thumbnails. Regenerate the images using the plugin:



    Hi Ismael,

    I have been in contact with my server host who has checked everything from there end and was able to create a gallery and publish it from his end using google chrome browser. I am using Safari on Mac which is causing the problems by the looks of it. Are you aware of this issue and do you know of a fix if you are? Also the gallery he created on Chrome and published i could view after using Safari so the problem is in the making.

    Kind Regards



    Cancel that last post, turns out he was using the basic editor to create galleries, which i can also do, it seems the problem in with the theme galleries not the wordpress media library as he is having the same problems at his end with the theme editor. Vida host have looked into what it could be but there is nothing they can fix from there.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Chrisparkins.

    Hi Chris,

    Can you please create us an administrator account? post it here as a private reply.



    Hi Josue,

    I think I have managed to sort the issue late last night. I used the regenerate thumbnails plugin and it appears to be working on the test gallery I have done so far. Hopefully I will get the time to create a few of the galleries I need today and will let you know if I have any problems.

    Thanks for everyones help.

    Kind Regards,



    That’s great Chris, let us know if the issue persist.

    Best regards,


    So I’m having this same issue…. will this be addressed in an update? Seems to be a pervasive problem.



    1) Make sure no plugin breaks the media gallery – deactivate all plugins and check if the gallery starts to work. If yes activate them one by one to find the culprit.

    2) If 1) doesn’t help try to increase the allocated php memory and set it to 128M.

    3) Try to increase the php execution time if necessary.



    @ewingmh it appears to be a problem with the thumbnails, as soon as i used the thumbnail regenerate plugin everything fell into place, for some reason enfold dose not appear to recognise the thumbnails when creating a gallery, I was having the same problems with testimonials and once regenerated again everything was fine.



    Just for the protocol – the thumbnil regenerate plugin can be downloaded here: for free.



    Yes the regenerate thumbnails works – however, explaining this to a client every time they add a gallery is unacceptable.



    No, they don’t have to regenerate the images every time they add a gallery. Just once is enough on most cases. If the issue persists, please refer to this link for a possible fix:


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