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  • #1275842

    I’ve a problem with scrolling animation of gallery. I’ve just insert a simple vetical gallery into page and selected images as usual, but scrolling of gallery not work, if I click on left or right arrows to control sliding of images not happen. First 1/2/3 clicks clicks fail then images slide a little bit, if I click again, they scroll a little but next image not appear. I investigate for a script error problem or conflict byt developer tool of Google Chrome but no errors appear on event in console .
    I tried with other browsers but problem persist.

    Any idea to solve the issue ?

    Thanks in advice


    Hey symx,

    Please provide a link to the site/page in question so we can look into this issue further.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,
    site is undercostruction, then you make access by crdential as customer and then will see the site in costrution, you can find gallery problem in homepage gallery at first, too

    Thanks in advice



    Thanks for the login details. Could you upgrade the account to have administrator rights as well please?

    Best regards,


    Ok! Done..

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by symx.

    News guys ?


    Hi symx,

    On which page do you have the gallery with the issue?

    Best regards,


    In homepage too…


    Hi symx,

    I am not seeing any errors in JavaScript.

    Please deactivate all plugins one by one to check which one is causing this issue and let us know if this solves the problem.

    Best regards,


    Active plugin was only 3 (written in private content) now deactivated but gallery not working :-( If you want to try a little simple test you can add new page e insert a simple gallery without settings, it not working.


    Hi symx,

    I cannot seem to find the issue. I will ask my colleagues to have a look.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the login, the way the gallery next/prev click operates with your current settings is: on the page load no gallery item is assigned as the “active” item, so on the first next/prev click the first item is assigned as “active”, then on the next click(s) the “active” class is assigned to the next item, and so on.
    But because there is no visual cue that there has been a change and there are 5 items showing, it takes a few clicks to move the “active” item far enough to move the row of items as a visual cue.
    To demonstrate this, please try adding this css to your Quick CSS, it creates a gold border around the “active” item:

    .av-horizontal-gallery-wrap.av-active-gal-item {
    border: solid 5px gold;

    So, you could use the Active Image Style and/or Initial Active Image options in the gallery element:
    With the Active Image Style, you could make the active image larger, as a visual cue.
    With Initial Active Image you can pick which item gets set first as the active item, choosing “3” should help your situation.
    I hope this helps explain what is going on and some options you can incorporate into your design.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    first of all thanks for your detailed explanation, but that not solved my issue. Problem of scrolling images remained the same


    Ok, when I check your /laboratorio/ page I see that no changes to the Initial Active Image have been made like I suggested to correct this. I made this change for you and now the issue is solved, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    I had removed the changes because I did not see results, but I had not used the css which instead would have made me understand where problem was….. now everything is clear, if you want to see, this should also be solved on the homepage.

    Thanks so much Mike!


    Thank you for the feedback and glad to hear this helped, Unless there is anything else we can assist with on this issue, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,



    Thanks Mike


    Hi symx,

    Great :)

    We are closing the thread.

    If you need further assistance please let us know in a new one.

    Best regards,

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