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  • #926564


    I have a problem with the Tab section in combination with the gallery when i’am on mobile and go from one Tab to an other. The problem is that the Gallery animation won’t start so the pictures stay small and dark.

    In the private content i will put 2 dropbox link’s to with screens of the problem.

    Thx already, and sorry for my bad english.



    Hey Stadsherberg,

    Could you post a link to the page in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Stadsherberg,

    Not sure if you managed to solve this problem, but I had the same issue and found a quick and easy way to solve it.

    Just comment out the following line of code in /js/shortcodes.js on line 2607

    //single_tabs = container.find('.av-animation-delay-container'), //for elements inside the tab that receive waypoint animation

    Now the thumbnails in the hidden tabs should be loaded and fully visible when you switch tabs.

    I see there is a way to override /js/shortcodes.js by adding it to your child theme folder, but I wouldn’t bother, as you need the full code from this file in your child theme for it to work, so you’re going to have to replace it after a major update anyway. Just remember to go back and comment out this line after each theme update.

    I hope this helps.



    Hi Brendon,

    Thank you for your input.

    did you get it working or do you need some help?

    Best regards,

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