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  • #1419078

    We have recently updated the Enfold to Version: 5.6.5 and the lightbox stopped working on the Gallery element.
    Here is the example on the page:

    Here is a test page with only that element on it:

    And here is the old version of the site with the lightbox working (Enfold Version: 4.0.4)

    Please advise on how to get the lightbox to work on the Enfold 5.6.5.



    Hey watermelon5032,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The live site is not loading properly on our end. Typically, updates should be applied to the dev site first, not the live site. It’s recommended to do it the other way around.

    In the live site, please try to toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings to make sure that the scripts and stylesheets are loaded. Also make sure to purge the cache before checking the page.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    The file compression is disabled and cache is flushed.
    Could you please elaborate on what is not loading on your end? Are you able to reproduce the issue with the lightbox we are seeing?




    Thank you for the update.

    The live site is now loading properly on our end and upon checking, we have found this error in the console.

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input

    Did you add any custom scripts on the site?

    Best regards,


    Yes, there probably are a couple of custom scripts on the site. Can you pin point where the syntax error is coming from?



    Can you pin point where the syntax error is coming from?

    It doesn’t really point to the actual file or function, probably because the scripts are compressed. We may need to login to the site in order to check the issue further. In the meantime, please temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings so that we can properly trace the error.

    Best regards,


    The compressions is disabled.


    well I think it’s good that the error occurred. A mod should definitely log in with you.
    On the one hand, I think you are loading all the scripts that Enfold has on the current page. Which is not necessary. You can set this in the Enfold settings under Performance – Disabling of Template Builder Elements: Load only used Elements.

    I don’t know where some of these entries have come from:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="data:text/javascript;base64, … " defer=""></script>
    i think they come from a plugin trying to optimize or cache existing scripts.
    My first advice is : deactivate this lightspeed cache – or any other “optimization” Plugin and see if that corrects the situation. ( Allthough it is installed on the other page too)
    After that you can activate one by one – alway flush cache between those trials to see.



    As @Guenni007 pointed out above, we may need to access the site in order to properly check the issue. Please provide the login details in the private field.

    Best regards,


    Live site creds provided.



    Thank you for the info.

    Where did you add the custom scripts? We can log in to the site, but we are unable to access the Appearance > Theme File Editor, and we didn’t find any snippets plugin installed. The error doesn’t seem to point to any specific file or function, even when compression is disabled. To re-enable the theme file editor, please check the following documentation.

    // https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/wordpress/wp-config/#disable-the-plugin-and-theme-file-editor

    It is also possible that one of the plugins, such as the Nextgen Gallery, 3D Viewer or the Popup Maker, is in conflict with the default lightbox. Have you tried disabling the plugins temporarily?

    In the meantime, please upgrade the theme from version 5.6.5 to the latest version, 5.6.6. We recommend doing this on the dev site first.

    Best regards,


    We do not use the theme file editor.
    I’ll try disabling the plugins you suggest and let you know.



    I checked your two example pages above:

    Here is the example on the page:

    Here is a test page with only that element on it:

    and the lightboxes are working in both of them so I assume that disabling the plugins as suggested helped, unless there is anything else we can help with on this issue, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,


    Yes, we were able to solve the issue. We had a child theme installed and it was using a very old version of the header.php file. Once I updated the header.php the lightbox started working again. Thanks for your help!



    Glad to hear that you have this sorted out, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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