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  • #956545


    I use tabs to show my portfolio. In every tab I use a gallery to show pictures.
    My problem is, that after Gallery 1 in tab 1, the gallery directly moves on to gallery 2. Although I don´t move to tab 2.
    There shoot be a “cut” when all pictures of gallery 1 are shown.

    How can I realize this?



    Hey seykom,

    I’m not sure I understand what you mean to be honest, could you post a link to the page in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,



    it´s this page for example:

    When you click through the gallery in tab 1, you automatically move on to gallery 2 (in tab 2) although you´re still in tab 1.



    Are you referring to the box (lightbox) when you clicked on a gallery item? It will include every images in the page. Please try to use the theme’s gallery under the Media Elements panel instead of the default WP gallery. It will grouped the items or create a set of items according to the current gallery.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, got it :)


    Oh no, still a problem.

    The tab with the content works, but it seems that the code causes a bug. I can´t klick on the other tabs anymore.

    That´s the code:
    [av_gallery ids='1675,1673,1670,1672,1819,1807,1806,1805' style='thumbnails' preview_size='thumbnails' crop_big_preview_thumbnail='yes' thumb_size='portfolio' columns='7' lazyload='avia_lazyload']


    Hi seykom,

    I can click on images and switch tabs on my end. Which browser are you using?

    Could you please clear the cache, check again and get back to us.

    Best regards,



    I tried different browsers.
    In Tab 1 it works because it´s a code, but this code causes bugs so I can´t integrate codes in the other tabs.
    Could you please have a look, beneath you´ll find the data.




    did you have a moment to look at it yet?


    Hi seykom,

    Best regards,


    In that way it works, but in tab 1 the gallery is integrated via code. In tab 2 and 3 it´s the WP Gallery.
    Ismael (see above) advised me to use the code because with WPGallery all pictures of the site are shown in every gallery on the site – that´s not want I want. So I tried the code it tab 1. But this code causes bugs in backend. So I could´nt put the code into the other tabs.


    Hi seykom,

    What kind of bugs in the backend?

    Best regards,


    Here´s a screenshot:

    The tabs without code for the gallery moved down and if I try to klick them, they disappear.
    And there´s a strange huge codebox in tab 1.


    Hi seykom,

    I see, well these elements rely heavily on JavaScript and so there can be a JavaScript conflict some html breaks. Tabs are meant to have some more simple elements inside them.

    Best regards,

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