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  • #500504

    I have a couple questions about the image gallery on the page below –
    1 – is there a way to get rid of the scroll on the right side? Not sure why it’s there.
    2 – I have the thumbnails set to portfolio size (495 x 400 px), but they are displaying smaller (260 x 200px) – is that how it’s supposed to be?

    thanks for your help.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Munford.

    Hey Munford!

    1. use this code:

    div#tab-id-4-container {
    overflow: hidden;

    2. Use this code to increase the images:

    img.attachment-portfolio {
    max-width: 459px !important;

    Adjust as needed.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy
    1 – thanks – that worked!
    2 – check the page below – I made the max width 300px but the images are overlapping now without any padding between. I’m not sure I understand how the gallery resizes (although the 495px width was too large for the tab content). There seems to be room for 300px width images, since there is alot of whitespace on the right side…?
    thanks for taking a look



    you can include padding with this code:

    img.attachment-portfolio {
    padding-right: 54px;



    thanks – that helped somewhat but there is still some kind of overlap on the left hand images…I just am trying to have good sized thumbnails in a layout that works on all devices (seems like 2 columns is best) with a little padding in between.
    any suggestions?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Munford.


    I can’t see any overlapping on the link you have provided. Can you provide us screenshots of what you see?



    Hi Andy –
    Can you take a look at that page again? I had to remove this
    img.attachment-portfolio {
    padding-right: 54px;
    as it was interfering with other portfolio images on the site.
    Now I have the gallery set back to 2 column, portfolio size (495×400), and there is a bit of an overlap on the images. Can you help me figure out how to just put a little padding between them? I can live with the size I guess.
    thanks for your help



    I checked again and still can’t see any overlapping. Can you show us screenshots of what you see? clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times.



    OK – can you help me with increasing the padding between the gallery images a bit?



    I already gave you the code for this here. Just adjust as needed.



    HI Andy
    That code for adjusting the padding effects all the portfolio images on the site – I only want to target the galleries. (it was messing up the portfolio grid images on fx this page:
    On this page:
    if I hover on an image it overlaps the one next to it just a bit (ie there is no space between the 2 column images). I’m just trying to get a little padding between them, only in the galleries.
    Is this possible?
    thanks for taking a look,



    1.) Not sure what you mean. Can you provide us a mockup showing the things you want to achieve please? use imgur or dropbox.

    2.) Try this code for some margin between the images: {
    margin-right: 10px !important;



    Hi Andy
    That’s just what I needed – Thanks very much!



    glad we could help. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.

    Best regards,

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