My client likes the gallery images as show on (Beth & Alison). But she does not like the tool tip caption style. She prefers the caption to appear below the photos. How do I achieve that?
I did try adding images with caption (Pat) but I can’t make them fit tight next to each other as the Gallery does.
Hi akamaxbuz!
Have you tried adding 2 1/4 columns beside the 1/2 column ? Add an Image element on the 1/4 columns then add a Text Block for captions.
Thanks. I tried that but we like how the gallery view has the pix abutted. There is too much space in the 1/4 column solution. But!! you gave me an idea. I added a text block and styled the caption.
p .client-caption {
display: block;
float: left;
font: 0.8em Arial, sans-serif;
text-align: center;
width: 50%;
That should work. Couldn’t have done it without you.