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  • #492644

    Hello guys, okay?

    I have a problem and i can’t solve …
    My client asked two galleries, one only for the photos and other for the videos (hosted on vimeo).

    The problem is the two galleries must have filters and that’s what’s making me frustrated, I tried to use some plugins but it still fails.

    Did you guys can help me with this?
    Indicating some plugin, opening my mint to new ideas or even to say whether it is possible or not.

    Really need a feedback ..
    I hope you can help me!

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey LucasZero,

    I’m not sure what you mean, what kind of filters do you want? Please try to explain a bit further.



    When I spoke filters meant categories, I am sending a layout to better identify what I mean by the “filters” (categories).

    Which leaves me more confused is the fact of having to make a gallery only for photos and one only for video, and the two must be categories.

    Can you understand? If there is any problem of understanding I can make an illustration.

    I hope you can help me!




    still not sure what you need. Can you explain further what you are trying to achieve and why? why do you need categories for photos and videos? maybe you could use them as portfolio items and give them a unique slug.


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