Hey There. I had gotten a response from mike on this a week or so back. I tried to follow his directions but still don’t get the results I am hoping for.
Going back to the original issue. I wanted to make the NICE blog.
I want a title
The Graphic
An Excerpt (about 500 words)
Read more
Date; and tags
In that order.
I started with a classic editor with this code:
[av_blog blog_type='posts' categories='54,52,55,94,56,57,58,59,61,96,111,113,112,66,82,123,62,60,63,104,14,64,15,103,65,95,67,53,68,1,122,126,128,127' link='category' blog_style='single-small' bloglist_width='' columns='3' contents='excerpt' content_length='excerpt_read_more' preview_mode='auto' image_size='portfolio' items='5' offset='0' paginate='yes' conditional='' av_uid='av-2nighp']
But it still doesn’t look right. I would like my blog to look like this attachment. The first post has no excerpt and the second post has the entire post.Can you Give me the correct code for the classic editor or with the Avia Buiulder?
Hey Kathy,
You need to add excerpts manually to the corresponding field when you build posts with the Advanced Layout Builder, and a featured image too, to have them shown in the blog feed.
Best regards,