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  • #354990


    Good work on releasing such a quick fix for the problem yesterday!

    But I have a questions regarding the fullwidth submenu.

    Is it possible to make it sticky on mobile aswell so when I scroll past it on a mobile it stick on top of the screen?

    Kind regards,


    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by letobbe.

    Hey letobbe!

    Try adding this to your custom CSS.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .av-submenu-container { position: fixed !important; }

    Best regards,



    That didn’t work unfortunately, is there any other way?

    I also would like to know if and how to add the fullwidth submenu within a color section?

    Because I want the first section to hold the menu with a big logo that will be vertical aligned in the middle of the color section and when scrolling down the menu will stick and follow along the page.



    Not sure if that would be possible. Send us a WordPress login and a link to where your using the shortcode and we’ll take a closer look.



    I created a Fullwidth Sub Menu & checked ‘Sticky Submenu’.
    How can I make that menu also stick to the bottom of the browser window, so it is already visible when user arrives on the page ?
    (it is always visible however the content scrolls)

    Proper code in Quick CSS should do somehow, correct ?

    I appreciate your wise guidance …



    If you want the submenu to show permanently on the bottom of the page, you can add this on Quick CSS or custom.css

    #top .av-submenu-container {
    position: fixed !important;
    bottom: 0 !important;
    z-index: 5000 !important;
    top: auto !important;



    lookin’ good. Thanks for your support Ismael !



    … mmm, I am not quite at the result I want to get.

    I need my menu (currently sticking at the bottom of the window), to scroll up with my main image above it & then to stick at the top of the window (letting content below it scroll up/down). So make that menu ‘always’ visible on the browser window.
    See my page here :

    I am trying to get the result of this page :
    (see how the menu Info, Benefits, Features… behaves).

    Thanks for your kind efforts, Val



    I don’t see any fullwidth submenu element on the page. Please add it then we’ll check it again.

    Best regards,


    Hello and thankyou for such a fabulous theme!
    Q: Can I remove the Arrows from Submenu on mobile devices?

    I have used the following code to remove the arrow icons from the main menu for mobile devices, works perfectly:
    #mobile-advanced li > a:before, .html_header_mobile_behavior #mobile-advanced span > a:before, #mobile-advanced .mega_menu_title:before { content: “” !important; }

    However, I can’t seem to remove them for the sub-menu. Can you help me out before I tear some more hairs out!
    TIA – Mel



    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?



    Did you find way to get the menu to stick to the top of the page and not the bottom on mobile?


    Hi @joshuatolento,

    Please open a new thread and link to your site so that we can have a closer look at it.


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