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  • #1020629


    great theme, fast, responsive and flexible. Still, when adding a fullwidth element in a blog post (not page) with the page builder, all standard blog meta elements get removed (tags, author, date …) Also the Related Entries and Share Links at the bottom are stripped away.

    Any chance to use a fullwidth slider on top and still get all the meta elements / related entries / sharing links?


    Hey Christian,

    That is the default behaviour when using the Layout Builder for posts, everything needs to be added manually to the post then. If you want to use the default editor and want Layout Builder elements added to it then you can use the Magic Wand tool.

    Best regards,


    Is it possible to get “related posts” done somehow with the Page Builder in Posts?



    That is not possible with the layout builder unfortunately, but you could try to switch to the default editor once you are ready to save. That should bring in all the “default” elements into the post.

    Best regards,


    Ticket / Thread can be closed. :)



    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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