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  • #984916


    On my front page, I’m using a fullwidth slider. When I open the page, the caption slides in from the left.

    I disabled this by referring to this post:

    How can I modify the caption to fading in instead of sliding in sidewards?

    Best regards,


    Hey zizibe1,

    Please refer to the following:

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    Thank you for the link.

    I removed the code which disabled the caption slide from Quick CSS.

    Then I opened FileZilla and connected to my server.

    I went to wordpress > wp-content > themes > enfold > css > custom.css (in “enfold child”, I couldn’t find an custom.css file).

    I dragged the custom.css file to my desktop and opened it with TextEdit (I also have Adobe Dreamweaver on my MacBook but never used it so far).

    Then I inserted the following code below “Desktop Styles”, “/* Add your Desktop Styles here */”:

    .avia_transform .av_slideshow_full .active-slide .avia-caption-title, .avia_transform .av_fullscreen .active-slide .avia-caption-title, .avia_transform .av_slideshow_full .active-slide .avia-caption-content, .avia_transform .av_fullscreen .active-slide .avia-caption-content {
    visibility: visible;
    -webkit-animation: none !important;
    -moz-animation: none !important;
    animation: none !important;

    I dragged the custom.css file back to the server (Action: Overwrite).

    Then I did a hard refresh in Chrome (hold shift and click the reload button).

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. The caption still slides in from the left.

    What did I wrong?

    Best regards,



    Try adding the following to quick css:

    Remove default animation:

    .avia-caption-title, .avia-caption-content, .avia-slideshow-button {
    	-webkit-animation: 0s ease 0s normal none 1 running none !important;
    	animation: 0s ease 0s normal none 1 running none !important;
    	visibility: visible !important;

    Run this and then we can work on the fade in.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    Thank you for your reply.

    OK, I added the code to Quick CSS. Now the sliding of the caption is disabled.

    What should I do next?

    Best regards,



    Add this to quick css:

    .avia-caption-title, .avia-caption-content, .avia-slideshow-button {
    	animation-name: opac;
    	animation-duration: 3s;
    	animation-timing-function: ease-in;
    	-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    Thank you for the code.

    I added it to Quick CSS and did a hard refresh in Chrome.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t work.

    Best regards,



    .avia-caption-title, .avia-caption-content, .avia-slideshow-button {
    	animation-name: opac !important;
    	animation-duration: 3s !important;
    	animation-timing-function: ease-in !important;
    	-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in !important;

    Add an important to all the cases, so we see what will happen :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis

    Thank you for your reply.

    I added the code at the very bottom of Quick CSS, but it didn’t work either.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the update.

    The css codes have been replaced with this one.

    /* fade in of caption front page */
    .avia_transform .av_slideshow_full .active-slide .avia-caption-title, .avia_transform .av_fullscreen .active-slide .avia-caption-title, .avia_transform .av_slideshow_full .active-slide .avia-caption-content, .avia_transform .av_fullscreen .active-slide .avia-caption-content {
        visibility: visible;
        -webkit-animation: avia_appear_fade 3s 1 cubic-bezier(0.985, 0.005, 0.265, 1);
        animation: avia_appear_fade 3s 1 cubic-bezier(0.985, 0.005, 0.265, 1);
    @-webkit-keyframes avia_appear_fade {
      0%   { opacity: 0.1;  }
      100% { opacity: 1; }
    @keyframes avia_appear_fade {
      0%   { opacity: 0.1;  }
      100% { opacity: 1;  }

    Remove the browser cache prior to checking the page.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for replacing the code.

    Now, the caption is fading in, but the timing is taking too long.

    The timing of the caption should be the same as here:

    I experimented with the parameters of your code, but I couldn’t figure it out.

    Could you help me please?

    Best regards,



    Adjust the duration. It’s currently set to “3s”.

    -webkit-animation: avia_appear_fade 3s 1 cubic-bezier(0.985, 0.005, 0.265, 1);
    animation: avia_appear_fade 3s 1 cubic-bezier(0.985, 0.005, 0.265, 1);

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I set the duration to “1s”. But the animation is not as smooth as in the Enfold Flat Business Demo.

    When I open my front page, the caption is already slightly visible. But the caption should come “out of nowhere”. Besides, the transition to full opacity is a little bit abrupt.

    I set the the opacity to “0”. But this didn’t really help. I also experimented with the four parameters of the cubic-bezier. But I couldn’t figure out how it’s done in the Enfold Flat Business Demo.

    How can I improve the animation of my caption?

    Best regards,



    You can adjust the keyframe animation values.

    @-webkit-keyframes avia_appear_fade {
      0%   { opacity: 0.1;  }
      100% { opacity: 1; }
    @keyframes avia_appear_fade {
      0%   { opacity: 0.1;  }
      100% { opacity: 1;  }


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for your reply.

    As I mentioned in my last post, I already set the opacity to “0”:

    @-webkit-keyframes avia_appear_fade {
      0%   { opacity: 0;  }
      100% { opacity: 1; }
    @keyframes avia_appear_fade {
      0%   { opacity: 0;  }
      100% { opacity: 1;  }

    I also checked the link you mentioned, but as far as I can see, they did the same.

    Still, my impression is that the animation of my website isn’t exactly like the animation of the Enfold Flat Business Demo. Are the values really the same?

    Best regards,



    I adjusted the animation values a bit.

    -webkit-animation: avia_appear_fade 0.6s  1 ease-in;
     animation: avia_appear_fade 0.6s  1 ease-in;

    This is the same as the animation effect from the demo.

    -webkit-transition: opacity 0.6s ease-in;
        transition: opacity 0.6s ease-in;

    Please purge the cache prior to checking the page.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for adjusting the animation values and the information about the demo.

    I changed 0.6s to 1s to make the animation a little bit better visible.

    -webkit-animation: avia_appear_fade 1s  1 ease-in;
    animation: avia_appear_fade 1s  1 ease-in;

    Now the animation almost meets my expectations. My idea is that when you open the page, for a brief moment – maybe 1s or less – there’s only the image visible without the caption. Is there a possibility to increase the time interval between the opening of the page and the beginning of the animation?

    Best regards,



    Yes, that’s possible with the animation-delay property.

    -webkit-animation: avia_appear_fade 1s ease-in 2s;
     animation: avia_appear_fade 1s ease-in 2s;

    That last value “2s” is the delay.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I added the delay to the CSS code. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as requested.

    Now, when you open the page, the caption is already there. After two seconds, the caption disappears and fades in.

    But my idea was that when you open the page, there should be only the image visible without the caption. After a brief moment, the caption should fade in.

    How can I adjust this?

    Best regards,



    It’s working now. We set the initial opacity to 0.

    .avia_transform .av_slideshow_full .active-slide .avia-caption-title, .avia_transform .av_fullscreen .active-slide .avia-caption-title, .avia_transform .av_slideshow_full .active-slide .avia-caption-content, .avia_transform .av_fullscreen .active-slide .avia-caption-content {
        opacity: 0;

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Now, the delay is working, but after the fade-in, the caption disappears completely.

    How can I fix this?

    Best regards,



    My bad. I didn’t notice that. I set the “animation-fill-mode” property to “forwards” to make the animation stop on the last frame.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Great! I changed the animation-delay value to 0.4s. Now, the animation works as I imagined.

    Thank you very much for your efforts and your patience.

    Best regards,



    I’m glad you were able to get this resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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