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  • #1461613

    Dear Support,

    I am trying repeatedly to achieve the same dimensions in responsive design for a hero image and corporate design. We are attempting to transition the layout from Joomla to Enfold, as mentioned in the link in the private section.

    I have created a color section and added a background image as described in many threads and the help. However, whatever I do and whichever options I try, I encounter the following issues:
    A: The page has margins at the top and bottom on mobile devices.
    B: Only a part of the image is visible.

    I can’t find an option that consistently shows the entire image every time as in the link below, if you transform the page to different sizes.

    Using the full-width slideshow with no scaling and stretch gives me exactly what I need, but I want to avoid loading additional elements for the player.

    What can a user do to achieve the same behavior as the slider element without using the slider?

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Best regards,


    Hey S.,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    but I want to avoid loading additional elements for the player.

    Using the fullwidth slider should work in this case. What do you mean by “player”? It’s possible that only parts of the image are visible because the background image has a different aspect ratio and size compared to the container. Please note that the size of the color section will adjust based on the content, not the dimensions of the background image.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Ok, thanks. But it is not possible to insert this option as #7 Option in the color section for the aspect ratios (Background repeating)?
    If i read the forum, other people have similar problems in the past. Would reduce queries to this forum for my understanding.

    PS: In the past, player settings was loaded in the source code. This is away for my understanding or moved to a file, if i compare the source code. This was an older information from me.

    Bets regards




    Ok, thanks. But it is not possible to insert this option as #7 Option in the color section for the aspect ratios (Background repeating)?

    If you want the background image to repeat, you can set the Background Image > Background Repeat settings to Repeat, but I am not sure if that will help in this case.

    What do you mean by “player” or player settings”? Please elaborate or provide a screenshot of the issue.

    Best regards,

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