Hi, I’m having trouble getting videos to play on mobile – I hope someone can advise how to do this.
I want the videos, which are on Vimeo to be full width, autoplay and loop.
Theme is Enfold and using a Fullwidth Easy Slider
I have used this:
https://vimeo.com/(vimeo number)?autoplay=1&loop=1&background=1
and on desktop that seems to work fine, but not on mobile.
I’m sure there’s a better way to do this, so hope someone can help!
Hey sunhouse_ops,
Thank you for the inquiry.
Background videos on Slider or Color Section elements are disabled on mobile devices by default. You will need to apply a fallback image. If you really need the video to display on mobile view, you can replace the slider with a Video element or the Layer Slider element. Make sure that the video is muted to enable autoplay.
Best regards,