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  • #1420228

    Dear Support,

    I am having trouble cropping images to correct size when using the Fullwidth Easy Slider. Image size is set to 1500x430px in settings, but when I add an image that size, it gets stretched out or cut off from the edges. Would you be so kind as to give me quick instructions on the correct way of adding images to the slider?

    Kind regards



    Hey Hans K.,

    Thank you for the inquriy.

    Could you specify the dimensions of the image you are trying to upload? If you want to ensure it appears exactly as 1500x430px, we recommend resizing the image to those dimensions before uploading it to the slider. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the actual display of the images may still be influenced by the slider’s size and the viewer’s screen resolution. The theme may also have to further adjust the size of the image in order to keep its aspect ratio.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your answer!

    The image in question is the same size, that is 1500×430, but it still does no fit on the screen. How can I upload images so that they have a universal size and are in the correct aspect ratio no matter the screen?



    Thank you for the update.

    How can I upload images so that they have a universal size

    This is not possible because, as mentioned earlier, the images automatically resize based on the slider’s dimensions and the screen resolution of the viewer. The slider will maintain the images’ aspect ratio, but the size will vary across different screen sizes.

    A workaround is to add another slider and upload images specifically resized for smaller screens, such as phones and tablets. Then, toggle the Advanced > Responsive > Element Visibility settings to control the display of each slider on different screen sizes. This way, you’ll have a dedicated slider for desktop and another for smaller screens.

    When we checked the site above, the size of the slider images is 1200x628px. Please provide screenshots of the issue using platforms like Savvyify, Imgur or Dropbox.

    Best regards,


    Thank You!

    I added the image in question to the slider as the last image with the resolution of 1500×430. Please find a Dropbox link with images below.

    If it helped I could give you acces to the site so you can check the slider settings and image resolutions.


    It looks like the slider min height is 630px, try changing your image height to this instead of 430 so it won’t be stretched on desktop.

    Best regards,


    Thank You for your help!

    Can You please recommend me a program which I could use to adjust image size without losing aspect ratio and stretching the image?


    Glad we could help, you could try it’s free and can do a lot, for more specific help I typically search on YouTube because I find it easier to learn by watching. Unless there is anything else we can assist with on this issue, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,


    Yes, thank you!



    Thanks for the update, we’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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