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  • #1421482

    Hi, I am struggling with configuration of Fullwidth easy slider as I do not want it to have any effect and I have finally realised that if I write tittle or / and caption the “fade or hover” effect disappear…. But I want to have the slider without text and without that effect… can you help me please?

    Ps: is the support availiable in Spanish? (I think I could explain myself much better)

    Thanks for everything


    Hi Margarita,

    Could you post a link to where we can see the element in question please?

    We don’t have any spanish speakers on the team unfortunately.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the update. So you are looking to have full width images which is not part of a slider? At least that is what I’m seeing on your site. If that is the case, then you might be better off using a Color Section element, then set the image as the background.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Thanks for your reply.
    The thing is that I try all possible configurations as you recommend in the image as background in color section and the image is not seen complete, full.

    Other thing: I have a “fila de grilla” (2 columns) with 2 images and also happens this overlay althoug I have no configuration for it!
    It is the 5th row of images (2 images together) for example here:

    Thansk a lot for your support,



    That is correct, some loss of image data will occur if a background image is to cover the container element. There is no way around that unfortunately. If the slider works better for your purpose, then please continue to use that.

    Best regards,

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