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  • #802838

    I need to be able to move the title and caption towards the top center of the slider and then move the title, text and button closer together. I put in code to move to the top, but on certain size screens, the top is cut off. And then on mobile, I need a solution because the captions aren’t even visible at all.


    Hey bemodesign,
    Try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 425px) { 
    h2.avia-caption-title {font-size: 15px!important; }
    .avia-caption-content {font-size: 10px!important; }
    .av_slideshow_full .container.caption_container {top: 80%!important; }
    #top .avia-slideshow-button {padding: 1px 5px 1px 5px!important; margin-top:1px!important}
    @media only screen and (min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1020px) { 
    h2.avia-caption-title {font-size: 25px!important; }
    .avia-caption-content {font-size: 12px!important; }
    .av_slideshow_full .container.caption_container {top: 30%!important; }
    #top .avia-slideshow-button {padding: 5px 5px!important; }
    @media only screen and (min-width: 1023px) { 
    .av_slideshow_full .container.caption_container {top: 25%!important; }}

    Best regards,


    I added the code to the CSS but it didn’t solve the problem. Now the caption is small and not at the top on cpu and still cut off on mobile. Am I supposed to make adjustments to the code? Please take a look at the site to see if you are seeing the same issue.



    You might have to make some adjustments to the code Mike sent yes, could you try it out please? If you can’t get it working then please post screenshots highlighting the change you would like to make and on what screen resolutions.

    Best regards,

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