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  • #1028062

    How to reproduce
    – Add a Fullwidth Easy Slider with 2 slides to any page
    – The first slide must be a video slide -> Mute video player -> enabled
    – The second slide could be a picture or anything else
    – Open Safari and wait until the video is finished. The slide won’t switch automatically to the second one.

    Expected Behavior
    After the video is played the next slide should be shown.

    – Method $.fn.avia_html5_activation wants to trigger an av-mediajs-ended event on fv (Line 504) but fv was replaced by another video object (Fallback Video Trigger “html5″). Example:
    – Wrong <video id=”player_4435_306028332_19627207″>
    – Correct: <video id=”player_4435_306028332_19627207_html5”>

    Therefore the event av-mediajs-ended is never triggered.

    Possible Fix
    Add the following code in avia.js after line 504:

    	var html5MediaElement = document.getElementById($(mediaElement).attr('id') + '_html5');
                        if (html5MediaElement && html5MediaElement !== mediaElement) {
                            mediaElement.addEventListener("ended", function() {

    Wordpress 4.9.8
    Enfold 4.5

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by markusperl.

    Hey markusperl,

    Thank for you the info. I’ll forward this to the dev team.

    Best regards,


    Hello, I noticed there was no follow up on this issue. This is still happening. Safari is not advancing the slider after a video slide. Is this issue being worked on? I tried the possible fix listed above and it doesn’t make a difference.

    I’m on Enfold 4.5.7
    WordPress 5.2.2




    Allow us some time please – we appreciate all the patience.

    Best regards,


    Hi – was there ever a followup to this as I am having the same problem

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by philipe.


    We are going to include the fix in upcoming update :)

    Best regards,


    Great. But how long do you anticipate and is there a temporary work around in the meantime? Otherwise I am having to re-produce a bunch of videos to join them all together, which of course had knock-on ramifications.

    Many thanks



    Please go to Appearance > Editor and navigate to enfold/js/avia.js and replace the content of file with this one – https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/master/temp_fixes/Enfold_4_7_3/avia.js

    Best regards,

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