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  • #1038201

    So I tried the following code:

    .avia-caption-title {
      font-size: 22px;
      background-color: #00ff00;
      width: 200px;
    .avia-caption-content {
      font-size: 12px;
      background-color: #00ff00;
      width: 500px;

    so far so not working, the problem is that the caption content is moved way to much, I Know width needs to be edited.

    so I tried this:

    /* Title*/
    .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-title {
    background:red !important;
    /*Vollbildslider text that is marked with <mark>....</mark> */
    mark {
        background-color: green !important;
        color: #ffffff;

    And still didn’t get a result


    Hey lorenzdeutsch,

    I think this is your problem:

     width: 500px;

    What exactly are you trying to achieve with that?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    i don’t know if i have the same issue but i can tell you what i want to achieve with the change of the width..
    When increasing the text size of the slider caption it makes a wordwrap if the size is too big.
    I want to stretch the title-box so the text is only appearing in one line.

    I was able to change the behaviour through the dev tools but probably target the wrong class-name when changing it in the quick css.

    .avia-caption-title  {
    width: 175%;

    Right now

    Should be

    Thanks for helping.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by deeennis90.

    Solved it.

    .slideshow_caption {
    	width: 175% !important;

    WP Cache didn’t clear the chrome cache fully…


    Hi deeennis90,

    Great, I’m glad you got it working and thanks for sharing your solution.

    Best regards,

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