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  • #954145

    So I’m trying to give the caption text a custom sizing in a full width slider, and when I change that sizing, it doesn’t actually take affect. It basically stays as the default size. Im able to change the Title size, but not the caption text size. Any fixes for this? Link is below, I’m trying to increase the size of the “British Columbia Institute of Technology” sub title on the slider at the top of the page.


    Hey ChristineGerman,

    Add this to quick css and adjust the size to what you need.:

    .slideshow_align_caption p{

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Won’t that change every slider? I only want the one single slider to change, not other ones.



    Just the first slider?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    First one…I mean I’d really want to be able to customize each slider like we are supposed to be able to do. The coding just isn’t working.



    Well there are a few methods to try before we go into css. You can try disabling all active plugins to see of there is a styling conflict. If you are running any custom css, you can try and remove that temporarily. In some cases, broken or malformed css can cause the editor not to work.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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