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  • #1175604

    i think, that’s probably a common questinon, but i could’t find any answer.
    I have a fullwidth slider, which has a pretty big image, the advanced->responsive setting is “> 990px, e.g. Desktop”. That all works fine.
    Then, i have another fullwidth slider, which has some smaller images for mobile devices, and the responsive settings are “not desktop but everything else”.
    Everything works fine and as expected. The sliders change, if i change screensize.

    The thing is, that both sliders are loaded all the times, no matter which device i use. So, i have the big background image loaded as well, when i am calling the page in my mobile device. What’s the standard enfold way to only load background images (in fullwidth sliders) for the current device size? In a non-Enfold Setting, i would use custom media queries, but i could not find any solution or option in the Enfold backend.

    Thanks for your support.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by spielprinzip.

    Hey spielprinzip,

    Yes, both sliders are loaded all the time, just one is shown. This is how it works at the moment. Media queries can help to hide the elements but they will not prevent them from loading, unfortunately.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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