Hi there,
I have setup a full width cover slider on my homepage using Slider Revolution on the latest version of Enfold (4.5.7) which is using the bundled SliderRevolution 6.0.8 but for some reason I have noticed that at sizes other than desktop the slider is not filling the full height, instead it is centering in the wrapper. What is the correct procedure to set this up please as it all seemed to be working fine before the latest set of updates when moving over to SliderRev 6. The page to view is tomhodgson.co.uk
I have managed to get full width but I have noticed now that for some reason the height of the container is always 800px height despite there being no minimum height set and all the breakpoints are set already. Could it be the fullwidth container element in the Enfold theme causing the issue?
Never mind, I managed to sort this by using the shortcode inside a colour section element in the end :-)
I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon