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  • #379720

    Hi. I just updated the theme, and it changed the full width images on my home page to not be full width anymore. Also, the small bar below the navigation used to be full width, but it is not anymore.

    Can someone help me get it back to full width?

    Check out


    Hi wasiekev!

    I think I see the non full width image your referring to. It’s the “Find out how much your home is worth” image correct? You’ll want to use a color section and set the image as the background instead of just using an image element there.

    As for the “small bar below the navigation” I’m not sure what your referring to. Take a screenshot and highlight what your trying to do so we can get a better idea.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for the reply.
    1) The “Home Value” image on the front page is inside of a container with the ID “homevalue”. The container of home value is set to 100% width, but it is still not working.
    2) I want the main banner on the front page to also be 100% width. The image of this is at the following link, highlighted. Main Banner Image
    3) The small bar that I am referencing is on the secondary pages, such as “Listings”. The image of this is at the following link, highlighted: Small banner image

    Again, before I updated to the new version, all of these were 100% width. I am not sure what happened.

    Thank you!



    Send us a WordPress login.

    Best regards,

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    I added some CSS to your Quick CSS field. Just copy that for each new section you want to duplicate.

    Best regards,

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