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  • #873456

    Hi Support,

    After update to theme 2.4, the footer on this page is not full width. It is full width on other pages.

    Please advise!



    Hey ar13860,

    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    1. Install and activate ” Temporary Login Without Password “.
    2. Go to ” Users > Temporary Logins ” on the left-side menu.
    3. Click ” Create New “.
    4. Add the email address for the account ( you can use (Email address hidden if logged out) ), as well as the ” Role ” making that the highest possible and the expiry about four days
      ( do be sure that we have enough time to debug ).
    5. Click ” Submit “.
    6. You’ll now have a temporary account. Please provide us here in the private section the URL, so we can login and help you out.

    When your issue is fixed, you can always remove the plugin!
    If you prefer to not use the plugin, you can manually create a admin user and post the login credentials in the “private data” field.

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    Thanks for the response! See info in the private content.

    Thank you for your help!


    Hi Support,

    I updated another page of this site. There are 2 issues appeared.

    1) the full width footer becomes non-full width also.
    2) the color sections supposed to be no border styling for tops and bottoms, but there are borders.

    Thanks for your help!

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Anna,

    The section 1 and the footer are outside the wrap_all element, that’s why it’s not full-width, no we have to find out what breaks stuff. Could you please enable the Advanced Layout Builder debug mode. Here is how to do it:

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    Thanks for looking into this. I have enabled the debug mode. Here is the code for debugging.

    I noticed the 3 pages on 2 websites that have the same issues all have image with hotspots section on the top.



    Hi Victoria,

    I think the issue came from the image with hotspots. If I replace it with full width easy slides, the footer works fine with full width.



    Hi Anna,

    So is this solution working for you? Well, the image with hotspots can break things when hotspots are not added.

    Best regards,

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