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  • #554966


    I’m migrating my blog to AWS and am trying to achieve something similar to what was described in this topic:
    In my single blog post, I’d like to have my feature image full-width and display the title on top. Similar to what feature image sliders do, but then static and per blog post. I tried with the code mentioned in the above topic, but that didn’t seem to do anything.

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey Xoliul!

    Please use Advanced Layout Builder to create your blog posts and add your fullwidth image to the top of your post content :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    I did a quick check but as far as I can see, I can only add new images within my post container through the Advanced Layout Editor (is the builder something else that I have not found yet?), thus still displaying the original feature image above and not having it full sized. This image from the linked topic shows what I’d hope to achieve, but I don’t seem to be able to re-create anything similar in the advanced layout builder in my post.


    Quick update here. I dug into loop-index.php to pull the feature image outside of the container and then managed to crop and style it how I wanted using CSS.

    However, I was hoping to use both normal images as av_gallery shortcodes in my posts. These galleries are normally a one-row gallery with 3 or 4 images in it. Whenever I use these, my feature image seems to get replaced by the first gallery in the post (and thus the gallery also gets moved away from its original location in the post, to the top). Is there any way to stop this behaviour, and just leave the galleries where they are supposed to be, and always show the feature image? If needed I’ll dig into some php again.

    At this time I’m just trying everything out in my dev environments, once I move this to production I’d like to do it in a clean way. If I understand correctly, the best way to do all these changes is install a child theme and implement my changes there, right?



    You should be able to create that in the advanced layout editor. Drag a color section or grid row element to your post content and set the image as the background.

    Send us a link to the exact post if your still having issues and we’ll take a look.



    Hi Eliott,

    I’d prefer not to go through the advanced layout builder route, as I feel it would be a lot more work to style each blog post that way, then editing the default layout to act how I want in a repeatable way.

    Now for an example, see the private content for two posts. In one of the posts I have editted the shortcode of my previous theme to the av_gallery shortcodes. You can see that the first av_gallery is not kept in the position I put it in the post, but is moved up to replace the Feature image at the top of the post (so the feature image is not shown anymore). The other post still has the broken shortcodes of my previous theme, but shows the feature image exactly how I would like it.



    When you set the featured image there will be a small checkbox displayed beneath it that you can check to prevent it from displaying on the single post view. You can then insert a gallery or whatever you want to display.



    Hi Elliott,

    Good to know, but I’d like to achieve the exact opposite. I always want the featured image to appear on the single post, and not a gallery or similar. So in the last set of links, the “Australia Roadtrip – Victoria” is how I want it to act, the “Australia Roadtrip – Victoria to New-South Wales” is the unwanted behavior.



    features image should be displayed by default (standard WordPress behavior). Any ideas why it does not display for you? Please try to deactivate all plugins, to check if one is causing this issue. Try to activate a default WordPress theme to check if you have the same issue there or not. Let us know about your results.



    Hi Andy,

    All my plugins are disabled and the problem still occurs.
    The feature image only disappears/is replaced if I use the av_gallery shortcode in my post, so this is not something I can test with the standard WordPress theme.
    To me it seems like Enfold behaviour that when one or multiple av_gallery shortcodes are used within the post body, the first one is taken and moved to the position where the feature image normally is, replacing that feature image.
    This is behaviour which I want to prevent as it doesn’t seem to be documented anywhere and was hoping to get support for..



    I tried to reproduce the issue on my own installation, but it does not happen for me. I copied the content from your post and my featured image appears just fine. Can you update WordPress and to Enfold 3.4.7 please? Are we allowed to deactivate all your plugins temporarily for testing purposes? Refresh browser cache, as well as cache from any caching plugin.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy!

    That’s both good and bad news. Good to hear it seems it’s not normal behaviour, bad because I need to figure out why my install is doing so :)
    Feel free to disable all my plugins, but if I’m not mistaken I already did that myself and left them all disabled.
    I admit I’m not on the latest enfold/wordpress version as there’s something wrong with the folder permissions of my ec2 instance causing the auto update to fail. I haven’t spent too much time trying to fix that, as I was hoping to discard the instance as soon as I fixed this problem. Guess fixing those permissions is now part of fixing this problem :) One question I have: can I enter the API key from ThemeForest for the Enfold auto update on both my production and my dev environment (running on different hosts) without running into licensing issues?

    I’ll update here as soon as I have enfold and WP running on the latest version!



    you can use same license only if it’s for a local host installation (offline).

    We’ll wait for your update.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    Updating was easier than expected! So I’m running WP 4.4.1 and Enfold 3.4.7 now. I’m happy to see pagination is working again, but the feature image is still acting strange.
    I moved my custom work up until now into a child theme while doing so. I did a quick switch back to the stock theme and removed my custom css there, but the behaviour still persists.

    You mention you don’t see it on your local install, but you can replicate on my installation I assume? I see the same behaviour on the new test post you made, I can take screenshots if needed.

    All my plugins are disabled but feel free to activate or disable them as you please. I need to clean up the list as a lot of them won’t be used anymore with Enfold, but that shouldn’t impact this behavior.



    there might be some corrupted files, so please delete all theme files completely via FTP, before installing a fresh copy from your themeforest account:

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    Just tried that, deleted the enfold directory and uploaded it again from a fresh copy of themeforest. No change sadly..

    I can see if I can give you FTP access if you think it would help. I’m checking if I can do a temporary swap to Enfold on my production environment to see if it occurs there as well. If not, I’m going to stop worrying about it.

    Edit: did a quick and dirty check on my production environment by copying my enfold and enfold-child directory over, disabling the plugins I knew would cause trouble and entering an av_gallery shortcode in a post. Same behaviour occurs…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Xoliul.


    Did you set the post format to gallery? What if you set it to the default or standard format? We set the post format of the following post from gallery to standard:



    Hi Ismael!

    Wow, that did indeed fix it. Can’t believe I didn’t notice something as simple as that… Many thanks!
    This almost solves everything I needed. I have some questions on gallery behaviour, but I’ll open a new topic for that.




    Great, glad you got it working. We’ll answer your other questions in your other threads.


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