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  • #923431

    Hi all,

    I’m editing an old page and was built using WordPress’ editor instead of ALB, and used the theme shortcodes button on toolbar to create a full-width button like I have forever. It created this shortcode:

    [av_button_big label='Click Here to Learn More About Marin's Towns' description_pos='below' link='page,11' link_target='' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_font='#ffffff' color='custom' custom_bg='#002349' color_hover='grey' custom_bg_hover='#444444' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_button_big]

    However this shortcode instead of displaying the “Click here to Learn More…” just displays “Click Me”… this is not a cache issue as I copied to my staging site and pasted it on a new page and it says “Click Me”

    I think this is a new bug… can you check?



    Hi Rob,

    Sure! Could you please post WP admin logins and point out the page you are having the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit!

    Login is same on the thread you were just working on earlier this week…. I can’t access the password anymore so let me know if you want me to re-set it.

    However, I think if you copy that shortcode to your installation or a demo site it will say “click me” instead of displaying properly?



    Hey Rob,

    That seems to be related to single quote in your button text. I tried enabling debugging mode however apparently it was already added so your staging site went down. I am sorry about that! Could you please post FTP logins here as well?

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    You’re either up really late or really early! <big eye emoji> :) :) :)

    No worries on crashing the staging site… that’s what they are there for. I am running out the door so can’t post new logins right now, but one comment… the button text / shortcode is exactly cut and pasted from the shortcode created when I used the “insert theme shortcode” magic wand in the toolbar of the editor…. so that’s why I’m thinking this is a minor bug. Shouldn’t it be making shortcodes that are formatted correctly as it always has?

    OK I’m late, gotta run, more tomorrow … can push a new staging site and set up new logins if you want to test. But if you copy / paste the shortcode created with the “insert theme shortcode” on your own Enfold page, does it work?

    Thanks, more tomorrow



    private content



    I’m up late :) Thanks for your understanding Rob!

    It does work fine on my local installation on Enfold 4.2.6 – that is why i wanted to dig deeper to find why it is not working on your end. Our devs made improvements to shortcode parser so it should automatically fix these issues but there might be some exceptions. We will hopefully find out more tomorrow :)

    Enjoy your day!

    Best regards,


    H Yigit!

    This is really strange….but now I can’t replicate the alleged bug <?> on either staging or production… it’s working fine…. but I did nothing to fix it. No plugin updates or disables…. it’s just working again?



    Hi Rob!

    Glad it is working as expected! I am not sure what was wrong but it seems like issues on your site fix themselves lately :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Ha ha, yes, but in this case very random and strange. You might want to leave this thread open as I wouldn’t be surprised if it comes back….

    Thanks for your help!



    Hi Rob,

    Thanks for the feedback. We’ll leave it open :-)

    Best regards,


    OK to close this thread… issue did not return! Thanks…. Rob

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