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  • #1413347


    In my home full width image/caption banner I want the Title caption to be in a heavy font that is a different weight to the standard H1 and H2

    Is there any CSS for this?

    The alternative is that I create this with a colour element, insert image as background, then put the caption as a text element or special heading. Could I set the Caption as a specific style in enfold > advanced styles?



    Hey woogie07,
    You can set the font weight, typically the H1 font-weight is 600, so you could set it higher with css link this:

    #top #main .avia-caption-title {
    	font-weight: 900;

    But this also depends on your font, not all fonts have the same available font weights.
    Another option is to add text shadow to the title to make it look thicker and stand our more:

    #top #main .avia-caption-title {
        2px 2px 1px #000;

    Best regards,



    Is there any CSS to put the Caption text above the caption title on the full width easy slider?
    The default is for it to run below.




    Please try this CSS as well:

    .avia-fullwidth-slider .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-content {
      margin-top: -70px;

    Best regards,

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