Hey guys,.. First of all,.. Thanks so much for adding the ability to stretch a video slide to full-screen. The only problem I’m having with this is that our video is still getting cut off at the bottom. As we have lower thirds,.. This is a big issue for the client.
Is there anything that can be done to shorten the vertical aspect (height)? It’s a 16:9 being served from You Tube. Go HERE
Thanks in advance!
Hey Diana,
Thank you for using Enfold.
We can fix this but we have to disable the script that forces the video to go full screen. The script works like the “background-size: cover” (http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_background-size.asp) property which forces the object, image or iframe to cover the whole container but in order to keep the object’s aspect ratio, the object will have to overflow outside the container.
Best regards,
I just need it to run full-screen without being cropped. What do we need to do? Thanks.
Make sure that the ratio of the video is 16:9. Or set the Video Display settings to the first option (Display video in default mode).
Best regards,
It is 16:9. When we set it at “default” we get black bars. So we have it at “stretch” because we need it to fill up the screen,.. yet it would seem that the video gets stretched only horizontally.
I’m sorry but setting it to “stretch” will force the video to overflow outside container in order to keep its aspect ratio. Please add this code to the Quick CSS field to move the video upwards:
.mejs-mediaelement {
top: -5%;
Best regards,
Thanks! This works great. Adjusted to -3% and it’s looking good across all browsers.