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  • #697505

    Dear all, I used in my pages the full screen slider both with image and movie but in both cases it is not responsive.
    is there a way to fix this problem?

    Thank you


    Hey amepro!
    is not loading for me, can u please check it?

    Thanks a lot





    problem is visible on the iPhone


    furthermore there is no possibility to have no left border for the sidebar…
    is there a way to do not show it?




    Thank you for the info. The images in the full screen slider are set as background and the background-size property is set to “cover” ( which means that it will force the image to cover the whole container but parts of the images will have to overflow outside in order keep its aspect ratio. We can set the size to 100% but it will distort the image. Please adjust the position of the background image until the focal point is visible.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
         .avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow>ul>li {
             background-position: 20% 50% !important;

    Best regards,


    I did but nothing changes !!!


    furthermore it changes the button “more” color from light pink in gold….


    This seems the solution:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow>ul>li {
    background-size:100% auto;
    but other problems occur, the white arrow indicating next section is too far from the image and the shadow box with caption in some cases is out of the image…..

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by amepro.

    The problem continues….
    Herewith I send new access info



    to me it looks totally fine (see private content). So seems you could fix it?

    Try this for mobile:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #fullscreen_slider_0 {
    height: 286px;

    and adjust as needed.

    Best regards,


    slightly better than before but the caption is always out of the picture…
    as you can see from the picture Image
    while the Arrow now is in the right position



    caption for black&white photo looks good to me now on mobile:

    Could you fix it?

    Best regards,

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