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  • #623915

    Hey guys, thanks again for the great theme.

    As you can see in the news overview page (in the private content section of this post) of my site, I have used a full screen colour section with a parallax image background.

    I’d like to repeat this effect on my individual posts (see the second link in private content) but am unsure how without using a colour section, which breaks the header (see the third link in private content).




    Your news page is returning 404. in your Posts, have you enabled ALB?

    Best regards,


    Apologies, my news page was set to private, but that page is fine anyway – it’s the individual news posts that need attention.

    The individual post URLs have changed are in the private content section of this post.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by AboveDigital. Reason: Incorrect private link

    Ok i can see it now but i don’t see the issue, the header seems fine and the background is the same in the news / single page.

    Best regards,


    Hi Josue,

    The issue is that I’d like to make the background image in individual news posts parallax, as per the news overview page.



    Ok i see, enabling parallax is a bit too complex, it would require modifying the theme files, alternatively you could set fixed by adding this to your CSS:

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Yigit. Reason: moved content to private content field

    Thanks a lot, Josue, that solution works just fine for me. Would you mind removing the image link from your post?

    Please consider this topic closed!

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