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  • #742155

    I did a fresh FTP upload of Enfold 3.8.5 following the directions on your video.

    I am now seeing a long thread of category and custom taxonomy before page title after upload and install of 3.8.5.

    My settings for Blog post:
    Avi Layout Builder/blog post/ setting display blog post select:afritzblog define blog like: Only Title.

    I did not have this problem with version 3.1.5

    I disabled all plugins and refreshed browser cache and CDN cache, the quantity of tax are reduced when I deactivate plugin: Multi-Column Taxonomy List. However, there still remain a number of tax before titles. All pages have this issue sitewide.

    However, Everything else looks okay. Except the menu did not migrate over.

    I was wondering if you could take a look at it

    thanks a lot,



    Hi Ed!

    Can you please show us with a screenshot the issue, so we can understand what you mean exactly?

    Thank you very much




    I provided my url I thought you might take a look using the link.

    No problems here is pic of problem
    enfold 3.85 pblm

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by EdFritz.

    I sent screen shot — Can you see it ?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by EdFritz.


    Sorry for the late reply!
    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab {
        display: none;



    Hi Yigit,

    thanks for the code, I installed in it quick css but it did not have any impact. I cleared caches.

    This is how the page breaks:

    My page code :


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by EdFritz.

    Hi Ed!

    Can you please post a link to your page where we can see the issue? I cannot seem to find it.
    Also, we may need temporary admin logins to look further into the issue



    Hi Yigit,

    I fall-back to the working version (3.1.5) of Enfold because the current version (3.8.5) breaks my site.

    If I know when you can visit site, I can change theme to current version (3.8.5)

    An example of the page link will be the same. Current I am using my older enfold (version 3.1.5)

    thanks a lot !



    Hi Ed!

    I can visit your site right away if you can update it within few hours :)



    okay, I will turn enfold 3.8.5 until 6:00 am eastern




    Can you please create a temporary admin login and post it here privately?
    Code i posted earlier should have worked fine



    login in private content



    Can we try de-activating all active plugins for testing purposes?
    Also, have you tried adding the code to custom.css file inside wp-content/themes/enfold/css folder via FTP to check if it is working there?

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    I decided to put some more time into this…..

    I used Enfold 3.8.5, copied custom CSS from V3.1.5 and added {display: none;} to custom .CSS

    I deactivated all plugins.

    I found the problem, I have plugin where I can add function Scripts.
    When I deactive the function script to remove ?? for static content
    function _remove_script_version( $src ){
    $parts = explode( ‘?ver’, $src );
    return $parts[0];
    add_filter( ‘script_loader_src’, ‘_remove_script_version’, 15, 1 );
    add_filter( ‘style_loader_src’, ‘_remove_script_version’, 15, 1 );

    then the problem goes away,
    However my pingdom score goes lower
    After I deactivated the function script, I installed a plugin called ‘Remove query strings from static resources’

    When I ran this plugin it reacted like before &

    So the question is did anything change in Enfold from V3.1.5 which allows using the function script to remove ?? static content
    and Enfold V3.8.5.




    I thought I’d check in to see if you have forgotten me ….

    I have had to install plugin to remove query strings .

    Is there any way to do this in the theme wo a 3rd party plugin.

    I was able to use a function, but it broke site , as I noted above.

    Should I start a new thread, thanks a lot for the suppot



    We are very sorry for the delay. I’m not sure why the function is no longer working but the theme loads the scripts or stylesheets the same as it did before. Have you tried the following plugin?


    These plugins are very light weight so it won’t affect the site in any negative way.

    Best regards,



    You can close this tix,

    Before your reply I installed the same plugin, then I cleared caches and the query strings have disappeared. Not sure we’ll ever know why the function script plugin broke with this version of Enfold. I’ll keep an eye open for updates, or perhaps I’ll try to put the function directly in Enfold/function.php.


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