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  • #1412834

    FTP not correct executed?


    Hey TakoHof,
    Thanks for the ftp login, it doesn’t look like you have installed WordPress, it looks like you have the theme installed in the root of your domain instead of WordPress.
    Please remove these files and first install WordPress.
    It looks like your webhost is, please see this article by your webhost and scroll down the heading: How to create a WordPress website easily at you will see it says: offers you one-click installation for 300+ open source systems, including WordPress

    so there is a one click option to install WordPress in your webhost, please look for this or ask your webhost support for help, I’m not familiar with
    Then after you install WordPress go to WordPress ▸ Appearance ▸ Themes ▸ Add Themes ▸ Add New and install Enfold.
    If you have trouble installing the theme after you install WordPress then include a admin login for us in the Private Content area below so we can help, but first you need to install WordPress.

    Best regards,


    At theme upload system reacts: link is expanded


    expanded must be expired. Sorry for my bad English


    Try installing via FTP, please see our documentation here.

    Best regards,

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