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  • #1452094

    ich baue gerade eine neues Online-Magazin auf und benötige mal Tipps zum Eingerahmtes-Layout.

    1.) Wie kann ich die Content-Area vergrößern?
    2.) Wie kann ich die Abstände 1, 2, und 3 siehe Screenshot verändern?
    3.) wie kann in außen, auf beiden Seiten einen Rahmen von oben nach unten einfügen, siehe 4 ?



    Hey Rolf,

    1. You can set the container width under Enfold->General Layout->Dimensions.

    2. I’m not sure exactly how you are looking to change this, please provide a screenshot highlighting your intentions.

    3. Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    #main {
      border-left: 1px solid red;
      border-right: 1px solid red;

    Best regards,


    Thank you for the quick support!

    1. You can set the container width under Enfold->General Layout->Dimensions.

    -> my maximum container width is 1510px. However, I would like to reduce the distance to the sidebar and the edge so that more content can be displayed, see screenshot 1,2,3

    2. I’m not sure exactly how you are looking to change this, please provide a screenshot highlighting your intentions.

    -> as you can see in screenshot 2, I would like to reduce the spacing.

    screenshot 2



    1. Try to set your container width to a higher pixel value, or a % value.

    2. Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    #top .flex_column_table.av-equal-height-column-flextable:not(:first-child) {
      margin-top: 20px;
    .container {
      padding: 0px 20px;

    Best regards,



    vielen dank!



    Thanks for the update :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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