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  • #734864

    I’m using the “Quantities and Units for WooCommerce” plugin to enable decimal quantities and Kg as units.
    I tried to disable the Enfold +/- as suggested by Josue in his answer HERE, but there are some problems. Here are my try:

    Theme: Twenty Seventeen – Plugin: enabled
    the HTML +/- buttons are revealed, fractional quantities can be saved to cart

    Theme: Enfold – Plugin: enabled
    the Enfold +/- buttons are not working, manual input with fractional quantities is not accepted by page

    Theme: Enfold child with Josua code to disable Enfold +/- buttons – Plugin: enabled
    Enfold +/- buttons are disappeared as expected
    The HTML +/- buttons are not revealed, manual input with fractional quantities is accepted by page
    The decimal separator in the header cart is wrong (‘.’ instead of ‘,’ as defined in woocommerce config)

    Obviously, the fractional quantities directly supported by Enfold +/- buttons … is the desired solution :-)


    Hey tipinoncomuni,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please remove all modifications or revert the files back to their original state then edit the config-woocommerce > woocommerce-mod.js file. Look for this code around line 23:

    newNum = jQuery(jQuery('<div />').append(number.clone(true)).html().replace('number','text')).insertAfter(number);

    .. replace it with:

    newNum = jQuery(jQuery('<div />').append(number.clone(true)).html()).insertAfter(number);

    Remove browser cache or hard refresh before checking the product again.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael but still i need your help:
    A – Enfold +/- buttons aren’t working with fractional increment (they works well with integer increments)
    B – purchased quantity message is incorrect (number truncated to near integer)
    C – header cart decimal separator is incorrect
    D – how to disable HTML +/- buttons? The same problem arise in the cart.

    Thanks again



    Could you please provide a link to the actual product with the issue? I visited the shop page but I can’t access the products.


    And please contact the plugin author for additional help regarding the issue.



    Sorry. Permalink error. A refresh was needed.

    For additional help you mean the issues B,C? oh. I was convinced it was an Enfold output.
    Could you tell me the CSS style to disable the +/- HTML in-field buttons?



    are you talking about +/- from this website? if yes then use this code inside Quick CSS field to hide it:, input.minus {
    display: none !important;

    Best regards,

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