wie kann ich ein kontaktformular mit einer datumsauswahl versehen? es soll eine hotel-seite werden, mit auswahl anreise bzw. abreisetag,
vielen dank für hilfe, uwe
Hey uernst,
Could you maybe post in English – in case it is easier for us to review?
Best regards,
Hi there,
I have the same question:
How can I add a date selection to a contact form? it should be a hotel page, with a choice of arrival or departure day.
Best regards from the Baltic Sea
@Karamba69, sorry for the late reply, in the contact form you can add a datepicker, it is available as an option, but it will not have the option to block out dates or use other conditions.
You could try using the Contact Form 7 with the Contact Form 7 Datepicker or perhaps try a different datepicker that is ment more for hotel booking.
For our Hotel Demo we recommend the WooCommerce Bookings plugin.
Best regards,