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  • #193512


    I am using FormidablePRO for my forms which I really need to keep using it.
    I was using Choices theme and you gave me the following code to fix some issues with the CSS:

    /* fix the formidable problem */
    .flex_column .frm_form_fields br{display:none;}
    .ui-datepicker-month, .ui-datepicker-year{
        min-width: 0 !important;
        padding: 0 !important;

    I found the following code which solved me the breaklines:

    #top .frm_forms label {
    display: inline;

    But I still need more help to make this: http://d.pr/i/iwc5/5hTP676R to look like http://d.pr/i/10NO/3MwjJGUN

    They are both the same form. The first on Enfold, the second on Choices with custom CSS.

    I can send you the URL of the website in PM or by email.

    Thank you.

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Try to insert following code into the quick css field

    #top .frm_form_fields input[type="text"], #top .frm_form_fields input[type="input"]{
    margin-bottom: 0;

    Best regards,


    Hi Dude,

    Unfortunately it didn’t work. Please check the URL sent before.

    Any other ideas?

    Thank you



    The code seems to work for me: http://www.clipular.com/c/5928178371526656.png?k=cfjfigyA49Ib4kU7psRp7qR8s5I and the caption underneath the input field displays without a margin – did you try to clear the browser cache?



    Hi Peter,

    I probably did not express myself properly.

    The margins seem to be fine but the fields are not the same as this: http://d.pr/i/10NO/3MwjJGUN (round corners, lighter colours and full length fields).



    You can use this on Quick CSS or custom.css:

    #top .main_color .input-text, #top .main_color input[type='text'], #top .main_color input[type='input'], #top .main_color input[type='password'], #top .main_color input[type='email'], #top .main_color input[type='number'], #top .main_color input[type='url'], #top .main_color input[type='tel'], #top .main_color input[type='search'], #top .main_color textarea, #top .main_color select {
    border-color: #e1e1e1;
    background-color: white;
    color: #909090;
    #top .input-text, #top input[type="text"], #top input[type="input"], #top input[type="password"], #top input[type="email"], #top input[type="number"], #top input[type="url"], #top input[type="tel"], #top input[type="search"], #top textarea, #top select {
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 100%;
    border-radius: 5px;



    Great job Ismael! :)

    It seems this totally fixed my problem now (first time I did a copy/paste of your code it didn’t work).

    Many thanks again.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by sitesme.
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