Tagged: mobile formatting, SVG Divider
Is there a way to remove svg dividers for mobile screens? Page https://www.rsindy.com/our-team/brad-stohry-intellectual-property-law/ looks great on the desktop but the svg divider element does not format correctly for mobile.
Hey mandystohry1,
Thank you for the inquiry.
The divider seems to be displaying correctly when we checked it on mobile view. If you want to hide it on smaller screens, please try this css code:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
/* Add your Mobile Styles here */
.avia-divider-svg.avia-divider-svg-bottom.avia-svg-original, .avia-divider-svg.avia-divider-svg-top.avia-svg-negative {
display: none;
Best regards,
or – do you know that there are different ways to insert that divider. Maybe that is an alternative for you to have not so big dividers on mobile devices.
see the same divider – one with “auto – defined by svg viewport” – and then set to max-height: 150px
the other is set to 150px height.
have a look to smaller screens – on normal desktop screen width – both seems to be the same.