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  • #508256

    Is it possible to centre the H1 heading at the top of the Special header instead of the middle

    I would like to create a H1 text with background – full width and aligned to the top of the special header instead of the centre.

    I have tried to achieve this via “ac-special-heading-tag”, but it remains not full width and I’m not able to change the position.


    without a screenshot or better a link it is hard to help you in this way.

    perhaps you can use a fullscreen button (remove the link inside alb element) and set padding to zero on top:

    #top .av-fullscreen-button .avia-button-fullwidth {
        padding: 0 10px 50px;
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.


    Please refer to @guenni007’s post above.

    Thanks :)



    Thanks for the tip, but I’m using a Coloured Section width a full width image as background. In this section I want to use the Special Heading. Now I want this Special Centered Header just at the top.

    I don’t see the option here to leave a screenshot and forget the appname to upload a screenshot ….



    Have you tried changing the heading style to centered (as shown below)?

    View post on

    If that doesn’t work, may we have a link to your website?



    I have created a test page where you can see the Layerslider (top) and the Color Section with Special Header (bottom)

    I would like to adjust the Special Header in the following way:

    1) The background color (post-entry or av-special-headiung) needs to be full width instead of the fixed width
    2) The Position of the av-special-heading (H1) needs to be at the bottom

    I have tried to accomplish this on the following way:

    .sn-sk-bgt .av-special-heading {
        background-color: rgba(41, 150, 204, 0.8);

    But I’m not able to get the background-color full width and to the bottom,



    I think you forgot the link to the page. Please post it here. A screenshot of what you’re trying to do will help.

    Best regards,


    Find the details in the Private section.



    use this code in Quick CSS field:

    .sn-sk-bgt .av-special-heading {
    left: -77px;
    width: 120%;

    and then you can move your special heading to the right with this code:

    h1.av-special-heading-tag {
    margin-left: 10%;

    Adjust as needed.



    I have applied these changes, but still not full width …. I’m testing this on a large screen (1920).

    I would like to have two options:

    1) Background of the heading that is full with
    2) Background of the heading that is equal to the text length

    If the full with is not working – what is the trick to make the background equal to the text lenght?



    play around with the values in my code. Especially with width value. Increase it for your large screen until it fits for you.
    Send us a mockup showing the results you wish, so we can provide you some precise CSS code.




    I will try to play with the numbers to het it fixed for the full width.

    As an alternative, I would like to have the background just as wide as the text is.
    The background text is behind the Header and the sub Header.
    See there screenshot for a example:

    I have established this ones to change the display: table to block – but I cannot find the right Div anymore….

    Looking forward to your response



    not sure what you need, because on your website it looks that you already achieved what you want. Your second “Digitise your Process” looks exactly as the example in your screenshot. Could you fix it already?



    Nope – that was done via Layerslider. That is indeed as I would like to get when I use the Special Header. But with the css mods you have given to me, I’m still not getting the background to the entire full width. I can play with the settings, but I have my doubts what it will do with other smaller devices.

    I have applied the following to my css now in order to make the background color size equal to the text size

    .sn-sk-bgt .av-special-heading {
       background-color: rgba(106, 116, 127, 0.7);
       padding: 15px;
      <strong> display: table-cell;</strong>

    Could you confirm that this indeed the right way that will work for all devices/browsers?



    of course it won’t work for all devices. You would need to work with media queries:



    OK – I will investigate that further – thanks so far!



    alright. Let us know if you need some more help with this and if you have some new questions feel free to open a new ticket.

    Best regards,


    I still need some help with this.

    I have created a test page where you will see the following

    1) Layerslider – as an example that I would like to build with Color Section and Special Header

    2) Color Section and Special Header
    Here I would like to see that the background color is full with and the text in the center. The earlier given css mods are not given a full width background.
    I’m using a background image – center center with Parallax effect!

    3) Full width button
    Is full width – text is the center – But I don’t want to have a link and I don’t want to have a hover effect here.

    What is the trick to add some css to my Color Section and Special Header to get the heading text below in the Special Header width a full with background?

    Would it be possible to add another div class just beneath the Special Header but position this then higher so the text will be merged with the background image from the Color Section?



    : If you have more questions at this time, we kindly ask you to open a new thread because we would like to keep each thread relevant to the original subject as much as possible. Thank you.


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