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  • #1434111


    I’m trying to format the main title of the web page (Enfold>Header> Header Title and Breadcrumbs.

    I’ve tried adding some lines in quick CSS however they seem to have no impact on the live site.

    .title_container .main-title {
    text-transform: lowercase;
    front-size 300px;

    This does not alter anything on the live site however if I use Google Chrome element inspect and add/change the values, it works. Could you advise what code I should use and also how I can troubleshoot this myself as in my mind this should have worked.

    The reason I am editing this is because I have a long page title which is causing the H1 to spill into the breadcrumbs.

    The website is currently on localhost so I cannot share a link unfortunately.

    • This topic was modified 6 months, 4 weeks ago by TBant.
    • This topic was modified 6 months, 4 weeks ago by TBant.

    I’ve just discovered something that I think is causing the issue.

    A lot of changes I have been making have not been applying to the DESKTOP SITE. They are all working on the mobile site. For example, I have tried centering masonry gallery titles and this was not working on desktop but did on mobile. I have also followed the steps to edit H1 in logo area — this is working on mobile site but not desktop. And the change about IS working on mobile, but not desktop. Therefore I need to fix whatever is causing these changes to work on mobile but not desktop…

    Any ideas?

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 4 weeks ago by TBant.

    In the case of the subtext H1… I have tried

    .header_color {
    text-align: center!important;
    color: #25463!important;


    .header_color h1 {
    text-align: center!important;
    color: #25463!important;

    .subtext {
    text-align: center!important;
    color: #25463!important;

    It keeps pulling through the black colour from the following location and is ignoring the text align on desktop completely.

    .header_color .heading-color,.header_color a.iconbox_icon:hover,.header_color h1,.header_color h2,.header_color h3,.header_color h4,.header_color h5,.header_color h6,.header_color .sidebar .current_page_item>a,.header_color .sidebar .current-menu-item>a,.header_color .pagination .current,.header_color .pagination a:hover,.header_color strong.avia-testimonial-name,.header_color .heading,.header_color .toggle_content strong,.header_color .toggle_content strong a,.header_color .tab_content strong,.header_color .tab_content strong a ,.header_color .asc_count,.header_color .avia-testimonial-content strong,#top .header_color .av-related-style-full .av-related-title,.header_color .wp-playlist-item-meta.wp-playlist-item-title,#top .header_color .av-no-image-slider h2 a,.header_color .av-small-bar .avia-progress-bar .progressbar-title-wrap,.header_color div .news-headline .news-title,.header_color .av-default-style .av-countdown-cell-inner .av-countdown-time,.header_color .av-default-style.av-countdown-timer.av-flip-numbers .card__top.card-time-color,.header_color .av-default-style.av-countdown-timer.av-flip-numbers .card__bottom.card-time-color,.header_color .av-default-style.av-countdown-timer.av-flip-numbers .card__back.card-time-color::before,.header_color .av-default-style.av-countdown-timer.av-flip-clock .flip-clock__card .flip-clock-counter {
    color: #000000


    The CSS in the guide includes

    /* Subtext styling */
    .logo .subtext h1 {
    font-size: 20px;
    font-weight: 600;
    text-align: center;

    Again, this is not applying when on full-width site but appears under @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) once I reach the appropraite resolution


    Ok I found the issue after validating the complete quick CSS field. The issue was quite silly actually… I had “@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {” further up in the coding without a closing bracket, which meant the subsequent text only applied to screens 767px and less.

    You can mark this as resolved. Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 4 weeks ago by TBant.


    Great! Glad to know that you managed to resolve the issue. Please feel free to open another thread should you have more questions about the theme.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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