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  • #246936

    When using the advanced page layout editor, once I have formatted the text in the 4 text-boxes and click the “Update” button it only retains the formatting in the last text-box I worked in. Similarly if I format one text-box and click the Update button it strips the formatting from the other text-boxes.
    Any advice on this please?


    Hey leighgoodman7!

    Thank you for using the support forum.

    I’m sorry but at this moment, I’m not entirely certain of the issue based on the information you have given in your post. If you wouldn’t mind providing us a link to the website and a little more clarification about the issue (a screenshot perhaps), we’ll be happy to provide you with a response once we have a better understanding of the problem.

    If I am not mistaken, this has something to do with the builder timing out due to wp reaching its memory limit. You might want to increase it to at least 128M. The first thing you can do to fix this is to add the following lines in your wp-config.php file located at the root of your installation:

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M' );
    define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

    You can also contact your host if you’re not comfortable doing the adjustments yourself. Refer to this link for more info:



    Hi leighgoodman7,

    I saw your post and I too have been dealing with this exact same same issue. I was pulling my hair out over this. I tried everything known to man and nothing worked. And believe me I can get very creative.

    Anyway I tried saving a content element with another browser, Chrome, and sure enough, I could not replicate the problem. I don’t want to say this is the workaround. It’s needs a QA to look at it, but like I said, so far it appears to be working.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Frank.

    It’s not a memory issue. That was the very first thing I looked at.



    – which browser did not work for you?


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