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  • #437321

    Comment detail

    I would like to tighten up the comment system by moving some stuff around – does this have to be done in php code – or can it be css driven? any suggestions would be great.

    Also I want to add basic text formatting like

    Seem like if its in the forums already should be pretty simple to get it on comments – but I have been unable to make any progress on that


    Hey mocablue!

    You can move the comment elements around to different areas in /enfold/includes/loop-comments.php on lines 26 – 55.

    To tighten up the spacing add this to your custom CSS.

    .comment_content { padding-bottom: 0px !important; }

    And for getting the formatting options to the comment forms that is going to take quite a bit of time and code to implement so it would have to be considered custom work.

    Best regards,


    Thanks – worked perfectly

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