My client is a software developer and doesn’t like how code is displayed with the alternating white/gray lines.
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'sql_server.pyodbc',
'HOST': '(LocalDB)\ProjectLocalDB',
'PORT': '',
'NAME': 'my_db',
'USER': 'my_user',
'PASSWORD': 'my_password',
'driver': 'ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server',
He wants instead just to have numbered lines, more like this:
I’ve tried a couple of plugins, and they don’t seem to work. What do you recommend?
Hey Adrianne,
This is a matter of using the WordPress default editor. If you want the line numbers, you would have to paste the code into your own code editor.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
I want the background to be one color – gray, not striped. I don’t care as much about the line numbers.