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  • #1197980

    Hello !
    I hope my topic is clear, but I’m not so sure…
    I put a contact form on my website, with these fields :

    – Prénom et nom | Vorname und Name
    – Adresse mail | Email Adresse
    – Visite des appartements | Besichtigung der Wohnungen
    – Menu végétarien | Vegetarisches Menü

    When a visitor filled and send the form, I received an e-mail like this :

    Prénom et nom | Vorname und Name: mu chata 

    Adresse mail | Email Adresse: (Email address hidden if logged out)
    Visite des appartements | Besichtigung der Wohnungen: true 

    Repas et spectacle | Abendessen und Unterhaltung: true 

    Menu végétarien | Vegetarisches Menü: true

    I’d like to have something more convenient for exporting the answer to another file (excel sheet, or whatever). Is it possible to configure or formating a different way I got the form?

    Thanks for your help

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Marc.

    Hey Marc,

    Such an option is not available in our contact form, you might want to look for a plugin that has such functionality.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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